Sunday, April 14, 2013


For this week's project I created a Glog using  Glogster is a digital tool that creates interactive "posters".  Like Prezi, Glogster is a great canvas for infusing multiple forms of media into one streamlined presentation.  Though in the past I have really enjoyed using Glogster, this week I found that I had trouble loading videos and images.  On a few occasions after I saved the glog, the links did not take the viewer to the desired web page, or any page for that matter.  As my students have the option of creating their own glog based on one of the four themes discussed in the novel, this lack of dependability could be a source of great frustration to them.    

This interactive poster's purpose is to help students gain a better understanding of the history that is interwoven with fiction to create a political backdrop in the novel.  As my 7th grade students have not yet been introduced to World War II or Cold War history, the glog will help introduce them to this new material.  Because Gardner writes that the creator's goal is to "extend knowledge", that is what my glog has done with the use of external links, pictures, and videos.  I once again chose short, high interest YouTube videos as my students commonly use this site as source of information and entertainment.

Once the students have independently followed the glog, they are then instructed to answer a prompt with one last video attached to it through Discovery Education.  In this way, they can demonstrate how well they have understood the new information, and then synthesized it into an answer that asks them to put themselves in the place of the novel's main character.  This seemed to be an appropriate medium as this week's theme dealt with the fostering of creativity within classroom using digital media.  Their answers will vary based on their individual experiences with leadership.  Those with less leadership experiences will undoubtedly have to be a bit more creative with their responses.  This prompt will also serve as a piece that my students can reflect upon as the read the story to see if they were correct in their assumptions.

Though I was frustrated with the software, I do normally enjoy using glogster.  I find that it is a great tool for middle school students to help facilitate creativity through creation as many find it less complex than a prezi presentation.  Also, glogster does allow for students to upload and present their own pictures, link to their own blogs, and share their own videos.  Therefore, the students are creating a medium to share their own material, not just link to other sources.  Please follow the link to my glog below.

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