Monday, April 1, 2013

Project 1: Prezi Presentation

Project 1: Figurative Language Prezi

Prezis are a great way to combine sources from multiple medias into one presentation. Prezi combines videos, sound clips, pictures, and written explainations into one smooth presentation, helping hit a variety of interest points and learning styles for students. It also helps to create and show a sort of thought process, which Gardner claims is essential for a well disciplined mind capable of synthesising information.

Gardner argues that students need to practice this ability to gather and synthesize information properly instead of just memorizing facts and details. Memorization is a skill thas become less needed in a world filled with technology that can access information once reserved only for the highly educated. Instead, students need to learn how to filter inforamtion, synthesize, and create something new with the information gathered.

In my Figurative Language Prezi Presentation, I have attempted to take what Gardner calls “diverse entry points” and fuse them together into one presentaion. This presentation will be used as a review for my students as they study for their poetry and figurative language quiz, and prepare for their own group prezi projects. By using many different forms of media I hope to give students of diverse learning backgrounds and styles the best attempt at synthesizing the information for their own use. I have also attempted to use the different mediums of YouTube videos, pictures, and songs to connect the concepts studied in class to real world applications. The end goal is not just to have students achieve high marks on the quiz, or create a prezi of their own that follows a set rubric, but allow students to identify and understand when, where, and how figurative language is used in their every day lives to enhance music, movies, and television.

By consistently exploring content and how it realtes to our world, I hope to help students build a disciplined mind. Students will have the chance to show their own mastery of the concepts taught by building their own prezi that demonstrates how they have used specific elements of figurative language to create images within a set poetic form.

Gardner, Howard. (2007). Five minds for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

I had trouble with attatching my citations to the Prezi. When I put them on the specific slide, the pictures and videos cited appreared again. When I attempted to delete the pictures and videos, I also deleted the web address. Below are the citations for the Prezi, I will be attempting to fix this problem by the end of the evening.

Bauer, M. (2011, March 26). Onomatopoeia. Retrieved from

Cabrera, D. (2008, August 06). Every metaphor and simile has an analogy inside . Retrieved from

Cruiz89. (Blogger). (2012). Disney heroes. [Print Drawing]. Retrieved from

Department of Education. (2013). Focus on figurative language. Retrieved from

Freiburger. (Designer). (2004). What colors symbolize. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from

Glasbergen, R. (Artist). (1996). Romeo and juliet. [Print Drawing]. Retrieved from

Jansen. (Artist). (2012). Witsnips: Disney villians. [Print Drawing]. Retrieved from

Lewis, Z. (2011, October 18). Similes in songs. Retrieved from

Lindsay. (Author). (2010). Twilight cover. [Print Photo]. Retrieved from

LoveToKnow. (1996-2013). Examples of alliteration. Retrieved from

LoveToKnow. (1996-2013). Examples of allusion. Retrieved from

LoveToKnow. (1996-2013). Examples of figurative language. Retrieved from

msbeanspiller. (2011, January 23). Burly hyperbole luchador. Retrieved from

Piven, H. (1997). Piven world. Retrieved from

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